H10 Art Gallery ****

Address:C/ d’Enric Granados, 62-64, 08008

Distance: 20 minutes drive to Fira Barcelona Gran


The H10 Art Gallery is a hotel that takes its inspiration from the world of art, with a large number of sculptures, paintings and prints together with an interior design that uses clean, refined lines. The hotel is situated on Carrer d’Enric Granados, a semi-pedestrian street just a few minutes from Passeig de Gràcia, Rambla de Catalunya and Avinguda Diagonal.
It is the ideal location for those who appreciate quiet and peace while still being close to the city’s important shopping and business hubs as well as its architectural jewels such as Gaudí’s La Pedrera and Casa Batlló.
The area has also become highly popular among both locals and tourists thanks to its large number of restaurants and bars with terraces.


City Centre – Restaurant  – WiFi    Lift     Air-conditioning      TV