World Expo Plus has no legal or commercial connection with exhibition organisers. World Expo Plus is an independent travel management company. World Expo Plus does not operate on behalf of or with the endorsement of exhibition organisers. It is this status which enables World Expo Plus to contribute independently and objectively to the exhibition industry. The names of the trade fairs and congresses mentioned may be registered trademarks to which World Expo Plus has no claims.


Security of personal information


For booking we understand that you care how information about you is collected, stored and used. We take a very serious approach to the question. We are determined to merit your trust in us to handle these matters seriously and sensibly.

When we state that the confidentiality and the security of our clients’ personal data are taken very much to heart while bookings, it is no idle boast, nor a simple declaration devoid of real substance.

The following paragraphs describe the procedures we use to collect personal information when you visit our site, the use we make of that information and the safeguards we apply to ensure its security.

We strongly advise you to read this Notice. We draw your attention to the fact that by visiting our site you are accepting and agreeing to the practices described therein.

Personal information regarding our clients is communicated to absolutely no-one outside Company, be they individuals, companies or organizations.

Within our company, all personal information on our clients remains strictly confidential and strictly protected. Access is restricted to authorized personnel only. All the confidential files are protected by Log-in identifiers and / or passwords. The same goes for access to our computers. We use a system of firewalls.

Access to our offices is secured at all times.

Whenever there is a real need to print out personal information, the confidential paperwork is never thrown into the waste paper basket or rubbish bin; it is disposed of by passage through the shredding machine. We avoid making copies that are not justified.

All our staff members are regularly and formally reminded of company policy relative to the security and confidentiality of our clients’ personal data.

We undertake to maintain a high degree of confidentiality by integrating into our system the latest technological innovations allowing us to ensure the confidentiality of your transactions. Nevertheless, bearing in mind that no system can offer total and absolute security, you should recognize that an element of risk is always present whenever you use Internet to transmit personal information.

Right of access, opposition, modification and suppression

The right of opposition represents the possibility available to everyone contacting our site to refuse that their personal information be used for certain purposes that are specified at the time of the collection of the information.

We take scrupulous care not to ask for, nor to collect automatically, personal information which does not contribute in a positive way to providing and improving the services we offer.

An additional clearly positioned notice specifies that World Expo Plus LLP does not market itself as an official provider nor claim any partnership with Reed Midem, Mobile World Congress and Film Festival Organizations. We are the third party concierge services provider.